Tuesday 9 June 2015

Marriage Success tips 3 ways couples can keep romance alive after having kids

Happy couple doing chores

Keeping romance alive in marriages falls from priority as soon as the little ones begin to arrive. Most parents have little energy for anything with their partners after tending to the needs of their children and sometimes the income may not be enough for extra spending.
Carinn Jade "Taskmaster Mom" of Skinny Mom lists 3 ways couples can spark up romance with the little time and money they have:
  1. At home movie night. Take turns choosing a title and keep an open mind.  Most importantly, wait until the kids go to bed, pop some popcorn, dim the lights and make it a whole movie night experience.
  2. Indulging in dessert. Even if you eat dinner as a family you can save something special for dessert. Working together in the kitchen can be playful, cooperative and yummy! Our personal favorite: s’mores with marshmallow melted right over the gas stove.
  3. Unplugging and talking.  The sounds of the television, the glow of the computer screen, and the pings of our smartphones have become so common we hardly notice how much time we spend focused on them without engaging with our loved ones. Pick a night to turn off everything and make the time to just talk. Start the conversation with three rules: no kids, no work, no money. Instead of dealing with the realities of your everyday lives, reminisce about your honeymoon days, explore big dreams of the future, or divulge your latest obsessions.

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