Friday 19 June 2015

Love and marriage Real reasons why men remarry and women hardly do after divorce

Couple getting married

Krystle Crossman of Healthy Black Woman says that out of every ten couples that walk down the aisle four of them are people that are getting remarried. Surprisingly most of those who are getting remarried are men and not women. In a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center 43% of women stated that they would get married again while 65% of men said they would. What makes getting remarried different for men and why are they more willing than women?
When a couple gets divorced it is often much harder on the woman than it is on the man. She goes through a very long emotional period that can be hard to recover from. Often times when she does recover from it she will never want to have to go through it again so she never tries serious relationships again. Men are able to bounce back from a bad split faster and have an easier time developing new relationships without the fear of being hurt again.
Another reason that women may not want to get remarried again is because once you have been married and divorced you get to find yourself all over again. You are a new person embarking on another journey but this time you are alone. You don’t have to take care of anyone but yourself (and your children if you have any). Women often enter the role of caretaker automatically when they get married to someone. You learn how to take control over your life again. You pay your own bills with your own money and you take care of everything that is needed for the home. If you have children you learn how to be a parent without the constant support that you may or may not have had from your partner. These women build a whole new life and have no desire to jump back into a relationship where they have to give all of that up again.
Even if you don’t want to get married again that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t allow yourself to find someone to be with. We are becoming more and more accepting of unconventional relationships these days and relationships that form do not have to end in marriage.

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